Rae Elliott's Fiction Novels:
What matters most to a shattered royal family? Love or power?
An android slave named Lough seeks to return to his previous life as a powerful human king. But Lough’s goal is challenged by an undeniable bond that has blossomed between himself and the inspirational family he serves. When the royal family comes under threat by their own bloodthirsty king, Lough must decide which he shall sacrifice: his lifelong goal or the family who needs him now more than ever.
Fear can make the truth look like a lie.
An elite tribe of woodland dwellers maintains a symbiotic relationship with a magical forest that has protected them for centuries. But one young tribe member, Geth Hadran, unearths an unsettling secret about the forest which threatens the unity of his tribe and his family. The trees can turn into humans, and not all seek to use this power for the greater good.

Would you destroy an alternate reality in order to save your reality?
The creature from Daniel Wittiker’s nightmares reveals her unsettling plan to sacrifice one mortal in order take over her kingdom- the Dream Realm- otherwise known as the Voraxian Universe. If he doesn’t comply, she threatens to use the one person that matters most to him, in his place. Should Daniel stay conscious and risk losing Cassidy to this murderous creature? Or should he fall asleep and become one sick maniac’s doomsday device?
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