NaNoWriMo 2018 is over but that doesn’t mean you can’t write a novel in just 30 days!
Participating in National Novel Writing Month means you’re making the commitment to write 50,000 words in 30 days. This awesome worldwide event gives you what every writer needs: a healthy challenge aimed to help you focus on your craft. While reaching daily word count is a major goal, the main idea is to improve your storytelling technique and challenge yourself as a writer. But just because National Novel Writing Month has passed, it doesn’t mean you can’t still take on this challenge right now!
So, if you are a fresh-faced writer or a seasoned author who is looking to:
1) Give focused time and attention to your novel
2) Hone your writing technique
3) Challenge yourself
Then the NaNoWriMo challenge is definitely for you.
But how do you take on such a massive task- that of writing a 50,000-word novel in just 30 days- and achieve it?
What if you are like most writers who still have school, a family, and other obligations you can’t simply shove aside to achieve this goal? What do you do then?
Good news my friend: Now, you don’t have to choose between keeping your day job and achieving your writing goals:

The NaNoWriMo Kit is what every writer (with a life) seeking to write a novel in 30 days needs!
The NaNoWriMo Kit includes:
- The fascinating history of NaNoWriMo
- Where you can officially sign up to join in on the fun
- The official page to send your finished product to
The NaNowriMo Kit also helps you understand the fundamentals of a great story:
It teaches you how to:
- Stick to a suggested daily word count goal
- Write a killer intro line and first chapter of your book
- Outline your plot in a concise, clear way
- Craft unique characters with specific goals
That’s not all. The Kit also gives you:
- Tips for creating powerful sentences
- Advice on how to edit your manuscript like a pro
- A breakdown of act one, two, and three of your novel
- Solid advice on how to write a satisfying ending for your story
But most importantly, the kit includes:
An organized, 30-day schedule that will help you reach your NaNoWriMo goal while helping you keep your day job and enjoy your social life!
Why not have a sneak peek at what this schedule looks like for yourself?:

(And this is only half of the schedule included in the NaNoWriMo Kit!)
The organizational tools you need plus the advice and support you seek to achieve success are all current and meticulously suited to help you reach your ultimate goal.
I believe every writer should invest in their skill. I also believe every writer should be able to afford to invest in their skill too.
So that’s why I am so thrilled to say that this jam-packed kit full of helpful resources, strong outlines, and reliable advice is on sale for
just $7!
Investing in your skill and improving your talent are worth at least $10, right?
So, challenge yourself.
Prove to yourself that you are capable of greatness.
Then grab your copy of the NaNoWriMo Kit now and write with the fact in mind that in just 30 days you’ll have a great 50,000-word novel ready to share with the world!